Anyone who is seeking to be placed as a crew member may go to the link below to take them to the Competitors’ Group of the Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race Facebook page. It is a private group and in order to enter you will need to provide your response to the set question for crew members seeking placement on a boat. As part of the process you will need to provide a current valid ASN in response to the question to join the Group as a crew member seeking to be placed on a boat.
And another thing skippers and crew members can aspire to from and including the 2023 race is the Brisbane to Gladstone 21 Club. This initiative was started by John Pforr who has kindly donated the insignia and lapel badge awardees are entitled to receive (see image below). Eligibility is based on completion of 21 or more Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Races sailed either as a skipper or registered crew member. The race organiser will arrange to present eligible awardees with their 21 Club credentials upon satisfactory proof of achieving the remarkable milestone of completing 21 B2G races.